ࡱ> ad` "bjbj 8T`o``o`uJ??////4/Bll!l!l!SBUBUBUBUBUBUB$@EG`yBl! ll!l!l!yB?? B.$.$.$l!v?VSB.$l!SB.$.$6>GA@PL!??BB0B?VHd"VH8GAGAVH[Al!l!.$l!l!l!l!l!yByBF#l!l!l!Bl!l!l!l!VHl!l!l!l!l!l!l!l!l! : 4Republic of the Philippines Mindanao State University-Iligan Institute of Technology SCHOOL OF COMPUTER STUDIES Andres Bonifacio Avenue, Tibanga, 9200 Iligan City Tel.: (063) 221-2002 Local 4191 Website:scs.dean@g.msuiit.edu.ph APPLICATION FOR ADMISSION TO GRADUATE PROGRAM Degree Sought: MS Information Technology Major: __________________________  1st 2nd Summer Academic Year 2019-2020 INSTRUCTION: Type or print clearly in ink and submit completed application form and other requirements on or before ________________________________ Name: SACAYAN REX SALINGAY Last First Middle/Maiden JAN. 6, 1982 SUAREZ, ILIGAN CITY FILIPINO Date of Birth Place of Birth Citizenship Contact Information: 09173277025 _______________ rex.sacayan@g.msuiit.edu.ph Mobile Phone No. Landline No. email address/es Address: ZONE ARIES 1, SUAREZ ILIGAN CITY LANAO DEL NORTE 9200 No./Street City/Town Province Zip Code Marital Status: Married Widow Single Information on nearest relative (Father / Mother / Spouse if married / Guardian) ROLDAN P. SACAYAN SUAREZ, ILIGAN CITY/09067372673 FATHER Name Address/ Tel. No. Relationship Education (From secondary to highest university education) Institution Location Date Attended Degree Received Major ICNHS ILIGAN CITY 06/17/1995 - 06/21/1999 _________ ________ MSU-IIT ILIGAN CITY 06/14/1999 - 04/04/2004 BS-IT Software Dev. MSU-IIT ILIGAN CITY 12/11/2007 - 05/28/2008 CPRT ____________ Scholastic honors or prizes/special trainings: __________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Civil Service Eligibility Title of Examination Date Taken Rating __________________________ ____________ _________ Professional Licensure Licensure Exam for Teachers (LET) Sept. 2008 80.40% Professional Experience (From latest employment; include teaching and research. Use additional sheet or you may use the back of this sheet, if necessary.) Position Employers Name/Address/Tel. No. Inclusive Dates Remarks Comp. Programmer MSU-IIT 11/07/2007 - Present Lecturer _ MSU-IIT 2008-2009 / 2012-2015 Research Project Leader MSU-IIT 04/01/2019-12/31/2019 List two of your former professors or expert in your field as references. Name & Title: PROF. CENIE V. MALABANAN Address: MSU-IIT Name & Title: PROF. ERIK LOUWE R. SALA Address: MSU-IIT I declare that the information supplied in this application and the documentation supporting it is true and complete. I acknowledge that the provision of incorrect information or documentation in relation to my application may result in cancellation of admission or enrolment. If admitted, I agree to abide by the policies, rules and regulation of the Ƶ IIT graduate studies. _________________________ November 3, 2019 Signature Date Name of Applicant: REX S. SACAYAN Degree Sought: MS INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Classification: (to be filled up by the Program Coordinator)  REGULAR CONDITIONAL PROBATIONAL  SPECIAL NOT QUALIFIED Remarks: ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ RECOMMENDED BY: ___________________________________________________ Program Adviser/Chairman/Graduate Program Coordinator APPROVED: __________________________________ Dean, School of Computer Studies Notes: Admission Requirements: A Bachelors degree from a recognized institution is required for admission to a masters or doctoral program, respectively. For an applicant to a masters program, an undergraduate Grade-Point-Average (GPA) OF 2.00 or better, and for an applicant to a doctoral program, a GPA of 1.75 or better in masters program; or some evidence of potential ability to pursue a graduate degree, e.g., excellent performance in teaching or research, etc. Evidence of suitable background or its equivalent in the field of study sought. Classification of Graduate Students: Regular. A full-fledged regular graduate student who satisfactorily complies with all the requirements for admission including those prescribed by the department/college offering the degree sought. Conditional. An applicant with deficiencies in undergraduate work as evaluated but satisfies all the basic requirements for admission. The said deficiencies should be satisfied on or before the end of the second semester of the first year of attendance. Probation. An applicant who fails to earn an undergraduate weighted average grade of 2.00 or better but has proven to be capable to pursue a graduate degree. A student on probation should be dismissed from graduate studies if he fails to earn a weighted average grade of 2.00 or better in the first semester of residence. Special. An applicant who, in writing, does not intend to pursue a graduate degree but seeks admission to the graduate studies to register in some courses. Credits earned by this type of student are, during the period as special student, not credited for any degree unless the basic requirements for admission to pursue any degree have been satisfied, approved and recommended by the department/college. Such credits shall not exceed nine (9) units. Not Qualified. An applicant who does not have the necessary preparation to pursue the degree sought. Other Requirements: Submit one copy of this form to the College Dean with the accomplished admission form, two letters of recommendation, one certified true copy each of Transcript of Records and Transfer Credentials/Honorable Dismissal (for non-Ƶalumnus), one (1) 2 x 2 picture and official receipt of the admission fee. 2 x 2 I.D. 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